About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy is the official journal of Physiotherapy New Zealand. The Journal’s aim is to publish content that reflects excellence in research and professional issues relevant to New Zealand and international physiotherapy communities. Our vision is based on embedding and upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi through our kaupapa to promote and disseminate the research of Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are dedicated to publishing quality papers relevant to any aspect of the science and practice of physiotherapy, and to nurturing emerging and developing researchers. Published three times a year (March, July and November), we welcome:

  • Submissions reporting on original research, including work that uses a Kaupapa Maori approach or critically analyses issues pertinent to indigenous physiotherapy
  • Scholarly papers (addressing clinical, educational or professional perspectives)
  • Literature reviews
  • Case studies
  • Study protocols
  • Letters to the editor


Peer Review Process

All original manuscripts undergo a double-blind, confidential, peer review process. Manuscripts are considered by a member of the editorial team, and then sent to two or more independent experts for review.


Open Access Policy

The New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy is registered on Scopus, and since 2012, has offered Open Access publication of all content. Present and future journal articles are freely accessible as well as past journals that have been published from 2012 onwards. There are no author fees for publication.

The New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy is grateful to the University of Otago Library, who host us through their OUR Journals Service (OJS).


Inclusivity Statement

We honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and acknowledge Māori as tāngata whenua. We aspire to be mana-enhancing in how we work and to be actively pro-equity in our actions. As an academic journal, we acknowledge and respect different ways of knowing and providing sociocultural perspectives that shape equitable health outcomes.