Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- Submission Requirements: Please read and acknowledge that you've completed the requirements below before proceeding. • Cover letter confirming that all requested information has been submitted. • Cover letter includes names of two potential, appropriate reviewers. • The manuscript strictly adheres to the instructions provided in the author guidelines. • The references are correctly formatted according to APA 7th style. For help go to https:// • Tables and figures are correctly formatted as per guideline instructions. • If this is a randomised controlled trial, the CONSORT flow diagram has been provided (http://www.consort- • International Standardised Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) is cited in papers reporting on study protocol or randomised controlled trials. • Where appropriate, human and animal experimentation has been approved by a properly constituted ethics committee; and a statement to this effect has been provided within the text of the manuscript, along with the ethics reference number allocated to the study by the ethics committee. • A statement regarding conflict of interest has been included at the end of your manuscript. • Signed, written permission from the copyright holder for the use of tables, figures, or diagrams previously published has been provided. • Acknowledgements section: The written permission of each person acknowledged has been obtained. • The manuscript has been edited to ensure appropriate spelling and grammar. • The manuscript has been blinded for review including removing all author identification from the document properties. Declaration statement: As the corresponding/submitting author, I have read the Submission Preparation Checklist and confirm that I have addressed all of the relevant requirements for submission.
Letter to the Editor
Letters to the editor should relate specifically to articles published in the New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy or to issues of research relevance to the physiotherapy profession. To be considered for publication, letters relating to an article must be received within eight weeks of publication of the article.
Literature Review
Meta-analyses, systematic and narrative reviews of literature on topics of interest to physiotherapists are included in this category. In all cases, authors should conclude with specific recommendations for clinical practice and/or future research. Although authors may wish to further a viewpoint or theoretical argument, this should not be the major purpose of this paper. A review should not exceed 5000 words.
We recommend the PRISMA checklist is followed for meta-analyses and systematic reviews.
Research Report
Research reports include original research using quantitative or qualitative methods, including quasi-experimental and single subject designs. A research report should not exceed 5000 words.
Papers reporting on randomised controlled trials must provide a CONSORT flow diagram as well as an International Standardised Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN). For other study designs, please refer to Equator Network for appropriate reporting standards.
Scholarly Paper: Clinical or Professional Perspective
A scholarly paper expounds on a specific clinical approach to patient care, either imparting a specific point of view or presenting a theoretical argument or addresses professional issues in physiotherapy, healthcare and related areas. References should be sufficiently extensive to support the opinions presented in the paper. A scholarly paper should not exceed 2500 words.
Case Study
A case study (or report) is an indepth description of an individual’s condition or response to treatment. It is often used to report on unusual or unique patients or novel interventions. It allows the clinician to explore and understand those factors important to the aetiology, care and outcome of the patient’s problems, through a detailed description of a patient’s background, functional status and response to treatment. Current literature, which supports the rationale for treatment and interpretation of outcomes, should be cited and discussed. A case study should not exceed 2500 words.
Study Protocol
A description of proposed or ongoing research, which provides a detailed account of the rationale, hypotheses and methodology of the study. The paper should include details of the study design and setting, the participants or materials involved and a thorough description of all interventions and outcome measures to be used. Details of the data analyses to be undertaken should be included, including a power calculation if appropriate. Preference for publication will be given to study protocols for randomised controlled trials. If the study is a randomised controlled trial, it must have an ISRCTN. A study protocol should not exceed 4000 words.
- Protocol papers should report planned or ongoing studies, not completed work. Protocols must be submitted prior to completion of data collection. Manuscripts reporting results will not be considered as protocols. The dates of the study must be included in the manuscript and cover letter.
- Protocols for studies requiring ethical approval, must have evidence of having received that approval.
- Preliminary or pilot data may be included but only if essential to support the proof of principle or feasibility of the study.
- Use the protocol-specific reporting guidelines
- Include evidence of appropriate consultation: We strongly encourage authors of study protocols, where appropriate, to add a Patient and Public Involvement statement in the Methods section. For guidance for best reporting of patient and public involvement as set out in the GRIPP2 reporting checklist (
Copyright Notice
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. All rights reserved. Permission is given to copy, store and redistribute the material in this publication for non-commercial purposes, in any medium or format as long as appropriate credit is given to the source of the material. No derivatives from the original articles are permissible.
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