Does physiotherapy research in South Korea match international best-practice osteoarthritis guidelines? A narrative review


  • Mi La Park Auckland of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Nico Magni Department of Physiotherapy, School of Clinical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Daniel W. O'Brien Department of Physiotherapy; Active Living and Rehabilitation: Aotearoa New Zealand, Health and Rehabilitation Research Institute, School of Clinical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand



Culture, Guidelines, Motivation, Osteoarthritis, South Korea


The aim of this study was to explore physiotherapy-based osteoarthritis (OA) research conducted in South Korea, with a focus on the utilisation of conservative management, and to assess its alignment with international clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). Databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and SPORTDiscus – accessed via EBSCOhost) and Google Scholar were searched to identify clinical articles and trials focused on research related to OA management in physiotherapy conducted in South Korea. A total of 11 studies met the inclusion criteria, with nine being randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and one utilising a prospective design and one a quasi-experimental approach. These studies employed various interventions such as kinesiology tape (KT), electrotherapies, and exercise. None of the studies implemented education, self-management, and weight control as management. There is a discrepancy between research-based physiotherapy for OA management in South Korea and international CPGs. These findings may be explained by factors such as education, healthcare systems, and cultural differences.




How to Cite

Does physiotherapy research in South Korea match international best-practice osteoarthritis guidelines? A narrative review. (2024). New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 52(1), 52–61.